
Children in Barcelona

Kinderen in Barcelona_7

Children in Barcelona


Children in Barcelona have a lot of options, you can take them to one of the parks, to the beaches or to Tibudabu on top of the hill but, did you know you can go on an adventure in the city? We have developed a unique treasure hunt for children in the beautiful old town. The children will discover the city in a playful and fun way!



We had so much fun running around the city with our kids, solving puzzles and trying to beat the other team. The adventure was well organized with the guides magically around when you need them. This was a highlight in our trip to Barcelona!



Solving puzzles with children

Children are very good at logical thinking so what better way to spend an afternoon triggering their brain in a fun way? Our treasure hunt is designed in a way that the children get various challenges. Starting with navigating with an antique compass and map. Along the way, they will find clues and the guide will help them if needed. Every stop along the way has a challenge carefully designed to trigger their curiosity and help them to work together in order to solve the puzzle. You will see that sometimes they are even faster in solving the riddles than the parents!




Back to being a child


Barcelona is a great city to be outdoors. As a child in Barcelona, you can play outside and enjoy nature. But now a day’s children are more intrigued by their phones and tablets than the outdoors. They have lost the curiosity, that is why we have designed the game to be played without a phone. We play 100% offline! Not only the kids but also the parents will be engaged in the game. The guide will be there to explain some fun facts about the city and to keep the whole family involved in the game. Because they are playing without their phone, they will experience the city, their team and the environment more.


The personal guide to help out if needed (June, Barcelona)


They found the next clue in the game! (July, Barcelona)


Teambuilding with children

Working together during the game is essential to a successful hunt. When groups work together all the talents in the group will come together, therefore, learning to work together is important at a young age. The game is designed so that all the children have a role and because of the small groups, they will all have to participate.




Unforgettable Experiences

Our unique treasure hunts are an adventurous experience! Give your children the opportunity to discover the secrets of Columbus or Picasso or choose The Detective route designed for families with younger children (8 to 14 years). Are you ready for your exciting treasure hunt? Book your Treasure hunt online!

Children in Barcelona
Yes! The last puzzle of the game is open, now they have a secret location. (July, Barcelona)
The Detective
Like real Detectives!
Kids treasure hunt in Barcelona
5 - 10 people
1,5 hours
Starting at €17,50 pp.
Families with children (8 to 14 years)
More info
The Explorer
Find Columbus's travel logbook!
Discover the Gothic quarter with this amazing treasure hunt
4 - 30 people
2,5 hours
Starting at €25,00 pp.
More info
The Artist
The hunt for the missing painting of Picasso.
Discover El Born with Xventura Barcelona
4 - 30 people
2,5 hours
Starting at €25,00 pp.
More info
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